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  1. I agree! I make it point to handwrite thank you notes with my kids when we receive gifts. As much as it feels like a chore for them (and let’s be honest, me too sometimes!), I think it’s so important that they understand how much it means to the gifter. Thanks to my mom for instilling that in me!

    As a kid, I wrote tons of letters back and forth with my friends and cousins, and those letters mean so much to me now. I am also a saver of cards and letters! My oldest has started writing pen pal letters to her friends while remote schooling. I hope it continues when they are back in school!

    1. This makes my day to read your comment! I’m so we are on the same page (pun intended!). That is so sweet that your daughter is writing pen pal letters while remote schooling. That is such a great idea. – Kristin

  2. I have actually wanted to do this since Jan of 2021.
    I accept the challenge!
    Thanks for encouraging me to take action and make someone’s day .

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